We’ve been waiting for days to find out EBU’s final decision on the 2020 contest. Now we finally know: Eurovision 2020 is officially cancelled. This news has been confirmed on YouTube, Instagram and many other platforms.

My thoughts

I feel sorry for everyone, for the team, for Jon Ola Sand, for the artists, for the broadcasters, for the fans and everyone involved in this contest. The COVID-19 situation makes eveything unpredictable and we’re witnessing a historical moment. Because of this, postponing the contest would still have been difficult.
I had everything planned – flights, Airbnb, tickets for the show. This would have been my first live Eurovision and I’ve also saved a lot of money to make all of this possible. One of my dreams was about to become true.

Apparently, not all artists are confirmed for Eurovision 2021 and I personally think that they all deserve another chance on this stage. Moreover, many of them have tried several times to represent their countries.

This contest has been living for years despite everything and this is its first interrumption. This festival unites and connects many populations across Europe and it’s watched even outside of the continent. It’s not just a hobby for many of us. Personally, it really helped me during hard times in the past and it’s still a way to see life in a more positive way.

I really hope Eurovision 2021 will be hosted in Rotterdam, because this city has the right to host the competition. It’s their moment and it should not be taken away from them.

This would have been my Top13:

  1. Italy
  2. Lithuania
  3. Latvia
  4. Belgium
  5. Bulgaria
  6. Romania
  7. Ukraine
  8. Australia
  9. Georgia
  10. Azerbaijan
  11. The Netherlands
  12. Portugal
  13. Switzerland


Now, let’s hope Eurovision 2021 will be held in Rotterdam with the same artists. I’m sorry about the songs, which will probably be changed. I can’t wait to attend it live and I really hope everything will be fine, at the end.

Stay home, stay safe. 
